The members of Kosminen are:
Liina Aalto-Setälä
Lotta Blomberg
Helen Korpak
Anna Niskanen
Kosminen's raison d'être is to encourage solidarity and joy within the art scene, both locally and via the internet. Our methods have included publishing collectively created affordable zines, running non-profit art spaces, trying out different ways in which to curate group exhibitions, holding lectures and talks for art students, trying to organise approachable and fun events and doing our best to be helpful within our community.
We met in art school in Helsinki in 2010 and started Kosminen in 2015, originally as a safe context within which to discuss ongoing personal artistic projects and give/ receive constructive criticism. In 2016, we opened a tiny art space which hosted different kinds of events, small exhibitions and an independent bookshop run by our dear friend Iina Esko of Khaos Publishing. A few years later, in early 2019, we moved to a bigger space where we ran a non-profit art gallery until February 2022. From 2021 onwards the Kosminen gallery hosted The Temporary Bookshelf, a bookshop run by the brilliant Hikari Nishida.
The programme of the Kosminen galleries was curated by us as a collective based on annual opens calls.
Over the years, we have also published zines and created art together. In 2017, we participated in the group exhibition Golden Age of Chaos and Clusterfuck curated by Tuukka Kaila at Myymälä2 with a site-specific installation. Our latest zine was published by Photobooks from Finland as a part of their Newspaper Vending Machine-project (2020).
We lecture on matters related to Kosminen's sphere of interest and have previously done so at the Aalto University, the Academy of Fine Arts in Helsinki and the Arts Academy in Turku, among others.
Since 2020 we have curated the portfolio section of the magazine Ny Tid.
After shutting the doors of the Kosminen gallery in early 2022, we went into a state of semi-hibernation with members focusing on their individual work for the time being. We are however still a functioning collective and plan on popping up again with new projects sometime in the future once we have gathered some new energy.
Despite currently laying low, our inbox is open. We are always interested in proposals, especially relating to curating and guest talks. Our address is kosminenkollektiivi at gmail.
We are also occasionally present on instagram, @kosminenkollektiivi.
Very serious family photo, December 2021
Very silly family photo, 2016